My Books

new survey data on how teens use social networking sites

Quickly, let me note that Pew Internet has a new survey out on how American teenagers use social networking sites (dated yesterday – hey, that was Sunday! No rest for the wicked?), and that danah boyd (direct link to post not working?) […]

five things – oh no

Oh no. Three people have tagged me to do the “Five things you didn’t know about me” meme. Ndesanjo Macha, who’s fifth thing we didn’t know about him is that he is a disiple of Houdini and can disappear in front of […]

snap preview as readymade (ready-to-assemble) poem

So as you might have noticed in the comments to the last post, Mez saw that annoying/¸ber-cool link-preview thing and made a poem with it. I love the speed of this easy technology and of people like Mez who just snap it […]

¸ber-cool see-the-site-before-you-click-the-link effect

Oooh! Look!! Mouse-over a link. Any link! This one, for instance, or this one, or maybe this one. See!??? A picture of the website linked to popped up!!! Isn’t that just super-cool! All you do to install it on your blog or […]

presidential candidates on youtube

Presidential candidates for the 2008 US elections are popping up left right and centre, and no doubt, they’ll be heavy on the internet. John Edwards actually has a YouTube account, video log and all (presumably his aides update it for him, but […]


This is great; Kathleen quotes a talk Anne Balsamo gave at the MLA yesterday where she argued that “academics must cease their quest to educate students-as-replicants and instead start thinking about educating students-as-mutants”. Yeah! Go mutant students! It’s a damn good point, […]

“masculine” cultures more likely to add information to the wikipedia

Skimming through a paper on cultural differences in editing the Wikipedia, I am baffled at the following: The higher the MAS [masculinity index] of a country, the more contributions in the categories Add Information and Clarify Information are found. Although we did […]

hundreds of panels in the digital humanities at the MLA

I’m not at the MLA conference right now (I’m Norwegian enough to find a conference during the romjul or quiet days between x-mas and New Year kind of barbaric) but I’m impressed to see the vast number of interesting-looking panels in the […]

the horror

Iskia stepped into one of those PX-238 Winter Wondervolt things the goblins have set up by the Zeppelin, and to my horror, she came out like this! When she walks, her tits wobble, and when she stands still, she waits a little […]

position in media arts

Donna Leishman, who does really intersting interactive graphic narratives like The Possession of Christian Shaw, sends word of a job opening at her department in media arts and imaging, which currently spans practices as diverse as: performance art, film, web, audio art, […]