My Books

SMS warnings part 2

Eirik suggests that the SMS message from the goverment in the case of a nuclear, biological or chemical attack might for instance read “ATMBMBR UNDRVS. CUL8ER – MAYBE. Once I cracked the code, I cracked up to the extent my office neighbour […]

releasing books

Eirik Newth wrote about, a brilliant project which coordinates the release of books – you read a book, register it at bookcrossings, write a brief review of it, print out a label and glue it into the book, then you give […]

SMS replacing sirens?

In Norway the air raid sirens are tested at exactly 12 noon every year or so. They haven’t been needed since WW2, but the tests ensure that new generations are reminded that peace is not a given. Now the authorities are considering […]

mass-distributed care

Reminded of the Flylady by Diane (2 March) and Mark I signed up for her mailing list. The mailing list of July ’96 mums I used to be on discussed the Flylady, so I’d been to her site before but have never […]

Digital Genres Initiative

The Digital Genres Initiative and its conference looks interesting – Alex Golub, social anthropologist who blogs hilarious and thought-provoking tales of fieldwork, academia, blogging and bizarreness, is the organizer. The conference is at the end of May in Chicago and the call […]


I got travel funding to go to Digital Arts and Culture in Melbourne in May! I was sure I wouldn’t since I’m on month-to-month contracts this semester and so I assumed that would disqualify me, but I’m in the list, oh, wow, […]

norwegian net lit

I’m giving a talk in Narvik on Monday at the literature festival. The general theme of the festival this year is youth literature, and I’ve been invited to talk about net literature since young people surf. My title is “Nettlitteratur – nye […]

video blogging

Adrian comments the Slashdot discussion of video blogging, lamenting the fact that noone there can think of a more interesting use of videos in blogs than the talking heads news anchor with a grassroots diy flair. Adrian, Mark, Aisling and Will‘s videoblogs […]

mini-nukes and isolationism

For goodness sake. Bush wants to lift a ban on developing “mini-nukes” (nuclear weapons only a third the size of the Hiroshima bomb…). There’s a rather obvious contradiction here, as has been pointed out: Representative Ellen Tauscher, a California Democrat, blasted the […]

SMS essay

On Kairosnews I found a link to an article about a girl whose teacher couldn’t understand an essay she turned in in SMS language. The guys at Kairos find this pretty intriguing, and I have to agree. Here’s an excerpt: The girl’s […]