My Books

choose your own truth

I’m in a foul mood today. You may invent your own backstories to that.

private meaning?

OK, now when I wrote about war and protests I wasn’t actually deliberately cloaking “the real point” in a tent of metaphors, no, only in retrospect did I see the slippage of meaning from emotions to blog. In retrospect I might as […]

eggs and wine

It’s summer. Yes, I know it’s only Easter and there’ll be rain and maybe even sleet before it’s really, truly summer, but today was a summer’s day. My good friend B is in town for the holidays and my daughter and I […]


Um, there’s this thing called the penisblog where you match the penis to the blogger. Found it via Metafilter. I don’t think I’d sign up even if I had a penis, though they kind of parallell the honesty discussions of recent times: […]


Sometimes spam is brilliant: NEWSFLASH!!! INCREDIBLE DISCOVERY Based on 2000 year old recipe HOUSEWIFE IN AUSTRALIA ACCIDENTALLY INVENTS A BREAD THAT MIRACULOUSLY STOPS YOUR APPETITE AND HUNGER The bread is delicious and miraculously stops you being hungry for at least five or […]

good things

daffodils in the garden the smell of mint ready to grow the blue bench I painted, warm in the sun twenty degrees glass of wine child asleep quiet


Today I scored my first free pizza in compensation for technical assistence. Peppe’s Pizza very wisely provides wireless, thus making them the ideal place for this kind of transaction. Do I get to call myself a geek now? Or at least the […]

scholarly hypertext

There’s going to be a workshop on scholarly hypertext in connection with this year’s ACM Hypertext conference in Nottingham. It sounds great, but I’m unlikely to get funding to go this year.

lying and writing

Lying, or writing exercises? All I know is I want to keep reading em! And, hey, strictly speaking, I suppose those conversations Grumpygirl has with the Ant might not actually happen quite like that. I mean, the Ant’s drawn almost as big […]


Med menn skal menn fordrives, a friend told me last night.