NRK commissioned this new version of the Norwegian national anthem, Ja vi elsker (Yes, we love this country) from Ole Hamre, the man behind Folkofonen. Go on, watch it, its sweet, with so few words in it that you really don’t need […]
Three PhD fellowships have just been advertised in our department (deadline Jan 31), and I’m hoping that one of them will go to a Digital Culture scholar. Our department includes Nordic, Comp. lit, Classics and Theatre Studies and Linguistics as well as […]
I’m really looking forwards to seeing my good friend and colleague Hilde Corneliussen‘s new book, Gender-Technology Relations: Exploring Stability and Change, which will be out on Palgrave on January 3. Hilde and I co-edited the World of Warcraft anthology together, and have […]
. Rita Raley’s giving this morning’s keynote at Digital Poetics and the Present, an ELMCIP seminar in Amsterdam, and in a larger discussion titled “Living Letterforms: The Ecological Turn in Contemporary Digital Poetics”, she’s offering a reading of David Jhave Johnston‘s Sooth, […]
I fixed my blog! I fixed my blog!! And it only took about two months of whining to anybody who would listen that my ten years of blogging was gone, lost in hyperspace, between an ancient WordPress 2.0.1 install on a legacy […]
I’m very bored by the blog transfer thing, I’m afraid. So I still haven’t managed to export my old blog posts in a format that my new blog will accept. I should probably incrementally upgrade my old WordPress 2 install to the […]
Hey, sorry, guys, I sort of switched hosts and forgot to get the backup and stuff sorted beforehand, so it’ll be a few days till I get the old blog back up here. Maybe Monday. Sorry!
[Brief English explanation below.] Jeg er født i Norge, og har bodd her i 35 av mine 39 Âr, men har fortsatt mine foreldres australske statsborgerskap fordi jeg stadig har en liten drøm om at jeg kanskje, en dag, vil bo i […]
The latest issue of the German journal SPIEL (Siegener periodical for International Empirical Literature Study) gathers articles discussing how electronic literature, digital art and other born-digital genres can be archived. (Scroll down for English when you follow that link.) Unfortunately the issue […]
Today’s class is the second day of students presenting their projects. Two students can’t make it; they’re home sick with h1n1 / swine flu, the poor things. Many students have worried about how to define a remix. The best article we’ve found […]
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