During the Digital Methods mini-workshop that Richard Rogers and Sabine Niederer held for us here in Bergen today I realized that I could quite easily continue my explorations of which words people use about the field of electronic literature using web material. In […]
A few days ago, I received an odd email, apparently a followup to a first mail that I don’t think I ever received. I almost deleted it instantly as spam, but after a second glance I decided to try that URL. It […]
We’re going to be demoing the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base on our tour of the US, and I’ve mapping some paths through it that demonstrate some of my favourite aspects of the Knowledge Base. The Knowledge Base is a relationship database […]
Tomorrow Scott and I start our seven-university tour with the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base. We’re visiting a string of excellent digital humanities, digital culture and visualization labs in Chicago and California, and are hoping to learn a lot about what they’re […]
Today the students and I have played around with visualizations in Google Fusion and Manyeyes. Scott has exported data from the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base, so we’ve been making pie charts and timelines and maps and so forth. Here are the […]
I’m writing an encyclopedia entry on email novels for a guide to digital textuality and came across one that was new-to-me: Mo Fanning’s Place Their Face, the 2007 story of Lisa Doyle, a single, slightly desperate woman looking for love, whose email inbox […]
(UPDATE: Please read Harald Fougner from Gyldendal’s comment to this post, which shows that there is indeed more to this than I had imagined. Thanks Harald.) One of the biggest Norwegian publishers, Gyldendal, is inviting new, unpublished authors to a writing competition in […]
Occasionally I get a spam comment that’s simply beautiful. This is poetry, and I don’t have the heart to relegate it to the spam bin, but if I publish it as a comment I’d approve the emailer and risk future bad comments […]
Names can shape fields. In the proposal for a panel to be held at the MLA this week, Lori Emerson argued that the introduction of the term “electronic literature” by the founding of the Electronic Literature Organization in 1999, in fact founded the […]
Dette er et opplegg jeg skal bruke for å innarbeide grunnleggende hypertekstbegreper og introdusere tekstlesning av ikkelineære tekster. Det er beregnet til å brukes i store studentgrupper uten datamaskiner og uten mye forhåndskunnskap om hypertekstteori, og jeg regner med at det vil […]
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