My Books


Martin Gr¸ner Larsen is a Dane who’s lived in Bergen for 17 years, and who’s currently working on an MA thesis in comparative literature about blogs as a form of essayistic literature. At least he was last time I spoke with him. […]

watching my ipod travel

I lost my iPod somewhere, somehow. I was thinking I’d INSERT it with a shuffle (so much more fiscally sound at a third the price), but luckily Thomas showed me his video iPod. I love it! There is no way I could […]

how to retain the right to publish your own work

My very helpful librarian sent me a link to an author’s addendum for those contracts where you sign away your rights to publish your own article online. So next time a publisher sends me a contract, I can sign it and attach […]

identity online and reading list

Scott sent me an article about identity online from the Baltimore Sun where we’re both quoted – Scott from a half-hour conversation with the journalist (I assume many of the ideas in the piece came from this) and me from an academic […]

i’m blogging less

The summer I worked as a guide at the Edvard Grieg museum at Troldhaugen I lost every need for social contact. Every single day between 1000 and 1500 tourists visited the museum, and because of the way the museum was set up, […]

recently encountered

Letizia Jaccheri is researcher at the computer science department at NTNU in Trondheim who’s interested in digital art. She recently started a weblog with links to books, sites and ideas that interest her – lots of good links there. I also recently […]

teaching internet invention to 100 undergrads

This semester Anders Fagerjord (at the University of Oslo) is teaching a course based on Gregory Ulmer’s book Internet Invention. The course at UiO is called MEVIT2500: Multimodal design (web-design) (NB: It’s in Norwegian). I’m really impressed – I haven’t read the […]

quizzing students

This semester I’m using Anders Fagerjord’s brand new textbook Web-medier with our web design and web aesthetics students. For yesterday’s lecture I made a quiz for the students based on the first two chapters, which introduce a lot of concepts and ideas. […]

Sunrise after a long winter

The sky is still dark, dark grey here in Bergen at five minutes to nine in the morning. The sun will rise in half an hour or so, and stay above the horizon till a little after four. Coming home from a […]


Gotta finish packing… See ya next year!