It seems a lot of people have received and sent on the same SMS I got the other day, that requests a boycott of US goods – there was a discussion about it on the radio yesterday, and they did a vox […]
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
It seems a lot of people have received and sent on the same SMS I got the other day, that requests a boycott of US goods – there was a discussion about it on the radio yesterday, and they did a vox […]
Goodness! There was an article about my talk in Narvik in the local Narvik paper! Sissel, one of the organisers, just sent me the link: Ungdom skriver og leser p nett.
Andrew Morrisson is giving a talk tomorrow at the Media department, about a project that combines dance and computers and research and practice in very interesting ways. Unfortunately the talk’s at the same time as I teach so I can’t go – […]
Noah describes a cave* installation he’s working on where words come at you from the walls and you can push them back again with your hand! The only caves I’ve been in are totally uninteractive: just fancy images on the walls. This […]
AKMA has requested a Trackback for Dummies explanation. Liz seconds this in a post neatly titled MoveableGripe and points out that while geeks get MoveableType instantly, without clear explanations for regular people way cool features just aren’t going to become universally popular. […]
I love discovering stories like these in blogs: Robert describes being surprised by a song for peace when he was in Parliament House looking for some official office or other. He couldn’t tell who was singing at first. A tour group from […]
I just received my first mobilisation SMS message. I’m probably on the tail end of the trend here, but still, for me it’s a first. It came via my brother-in-law and reads “Boycott all US products the day they attack Iraq without […]
How would one know whether where is Raed is really a blog by an Iraqi in Iraq? (Imagine the Kaycee Nicole hoax only rather than the protagonist being “killed” by cancer it’s by war.) And how much does it matter whether it’s […]
When William Gibson is writing (or “stuck”, he adds) he looks at photos of objects on ebay. “EBay as shamanic induction device.” I know this because I read his blog, which is what I do when I’m stuck. I read writers’ blogs, […]
Of course there’s an online translation service between txt lingo and English: transl8it.com. Could come in handy 😉