I just signed up for my first ever e-course: NOW YOU on self-portraiture. I’ll receive email assignments three times a week for six weeks, and there’ll be discussions and a private Flickr group to share results with the other participants. I’ve seen […]
Today the students and I have played around with visualizations in Google Fusion and Manyeyes. Scott has exported data from the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base, so we’ve been making pie charts and timelines and maps and so forth. Here are the […]
I’m writing an encyclopedia entry on email novels for a guide to digital textuality and came across one that was new-to-me: Mo Fanning’s Place Their Face, the 2007 story of Lisa Doyle, a single, slightly desperate woman looking for love, whose email inbox […]
(UPDATE: Please read Harald Fougner from Gyldendal’s comment to this post, which shows that there is indeed more to this than I had imagined. Thanks Harald.) One of the biggest Norwegian publishers, Gyldendal, is inviting new, unpublished authors to a writing competition in […]
Students with at least 60 ECTS in Digital Culture at UiB can apply for this NORDPLUS course in Finland Aug 20-24 this year – you get a paid trip, fun and stimulating discussions and 15 ECTS for it. Our course code for […]
A new government report on young people and power structures in Norway, NOU 2011: 20 – Ungdom, makt og medvirkning, has just been sent out for comments, and our department administration asked us Digital Culture people to take a look at the […]
I love my RSS feed. Every article I read on my almost too-brief commute from work (a mere 13 minutes by train) was brilliant. Culture Digitally and The Institute of Network Cultures both wrote about the leaked Operation Manual for Live Content Moderators on […]
Google Scholar has a nifty new (?) feature where you can claim and manage your own articles. It suggested I start using it when I searched for my own name (um, I had some reason, I can’t remember what, now…) and I […]
I’ve been thinking about Facebook profile photos. For instance, have you noticed what a lot of people have kids in their profile photos? Some people use a photo of themselves with one of their kids, some use a photo of themselves as […]
Occasionally I get a spam comment that’s simply beautiful. This is poetry, and I don’t have the heart to relegate it to the spam bin, but if I publish it as a comment I’d approve the emailer and risk future bad comments […]
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