My Books


My daughter’s having her first violin lesson today. I rubbed rosin on the resiliently slippery horse’s hairs of my old violin bow for ages last night, rubbing and rubbing until finally the old hairs were sated enough that music could be heard […]


Biography‘s special issue on Online Lives is available online through libraries that subscribe to Project Muse. The table of contents is free for all and you can order paper copies through libraries.

indian reflection

My mother came home from India and brought me a dress embroidered in blue, green and gold. The dress drops to my thighs, loose trousers hang under it and a long, broad scarf is for swirling around myself. An Indian woman would […]


Tom Coates of has posted an article about weblogs as mass amateurisation. I’m not terribly interested in that, but love the nitty gritty of his comparison of the homepage to the weblog, midway in section four, near the end of the […]


Jon shannonized his blog after talking with Noah.

edit continuously

“Well,” he said, “a disadvantage of using it is that since each blog post is simply a text file on your server, the last time the file was modified becomes the time stamp on the blog post. So I can’t edit posts […]

projected words

I haven’t posted since Monday, and I hardly wrote then, this isn’t like me, is it? The week did pick up after picking up Noah at the airport, and today I even got to take my first photo of someone with words […]

in brief

Great weekend. Great city. Great friends. Horrid early flight, technical problems on plane, delayed. Disasterous teaching. Expect day to pick up when I pick my daughter up from school and then Noah from airport.


I laid my bag on the table while I waited, and watched it silently mimicking the crooked crosses of letter-writers. Yours truly, sincerely, forever, kiss kiss.

coming up

I’m going to Copenhagen, no, let me use the more affectionate K¯ben, this weekend, to visit Susana and Lisbeth and hopefully see Espen and Jesper and everyone else too. I’ll be bringing my camera, of course, but doubt I’ll be blogging. This […]