My Books

e-lit in Bergens Tidende

Yesterday Bergens Tidende published a good article on electronic literature. Their reporter, Silje Vestvik, attended Scott and Lisbeth’s lectures on Thursday and interviewed the Norwegian electronic authors Morten Skogly and Anne Bang-Steinsvik.


danah’s talk this morning was great, someone told me last night, after the e-lit readings and the open space workshops and the lectures and so many things that I was astonished to realise that danah’s talk happened that very morning and not […]

videos and talks

danah boyd just finished her iSight-mediated presentation and it was excellent! Everything just worked – we simply used iChat with iSights, and she sent me Powerpoint slides that we showed on a different screen. We got a chatroom going too but people […]

notes from the conference

I’m taking notes from Howard Rheingold’s talk in the Wiki. I’ll add other notes to my user space there. You’re welcome to sign up for the wiki even if you’re not at the conference!

playing hosts

Thomas and I spent a pleasant couple of hours this morning showing our conference‘s first guest of honour around Bergen. Much more fun than sitting in the office doing last minute organisation, and it was really interesting getting to know Howard Rheingold […]

filesharing laws

Complicated new laws about filesharing are coming to Norway. I hadn’t realised that downloading copyrighted music from p2p networks was legal in Norway. It won’t be any more. However we’ll still be allowed to rip mp3s from our own, or our friends’, […]

help me out

With three projectors and a mass of people having dinner, what would you show? Streaming video art? A slideshow from Flickr? A poem always moving? Something that works with little or no sound, something that can be a distraction not the main […]

cloak room

Cloak Room is, apparently, India’s first SMS novel, by Ro Gue, and it’s conveniently published in parallel on a blog. Here’s the first chapter: Chptr1:DaWarOfMaoistMobsBeganInDaLateWinterOf2010, ButItWasPrecededByEventsFewPeopleKnowAbout.ItBeganWithRita, A15YearoldStudent. (Friday 5/11) The story and style tighten as the chapters progress: Chptr4:2MenEnterProfessorZaidisComprtment&StrngleHim. DeyExitWidHisBodyInsideDaCoffin.InAnotherCoach,RitaZaidiSitsAlone&Unaware., a […]

dead imac

My green 1999 iMac’s been gathering dust for over four years. I should have sold it long ago. Now it no longer starts when I hit the power button. Maybe it’s the PRAM battery. Frankly, I don’t really care. Should I take […]


Hey! Did you see? Putin signed the Kyoto treaty yesterday! That means enough countries have ratified it for it to become binding! Pity the US pulled out, given they’re the world’s worst polluter, but it’s wonderful that the rest of the world’s […]