
Norsk blogghistorie

[This Norwegian post is about early blogging history in Norway. English posting will resume shortly!] Kristian Bjørkelo redigerer en antologi med arbeidstittelen Bloggnoreg, som kommer ut på Humanist forlag om noen måneder, og jeg har fått i oppdrag å skrive et kapittel […]


How many people blog?

David Brake added some great links to my Quora question the other day about how great a proportion of the population actually write or read blogs. There are interesting Chinese statistics, but I’m not sure what they mean by “blogs and personal spaces” […]

Blogging Networked Politics

Sex, ekstremisme og mediesirkus

“[This is about a local extremist anti-feminist blogger who was recently jailed for threatening to murder police officers.  I’ve been invited to participate in a radio debate on the media coverage this afternoon, so in the following I try to work through […]


Revising “Blogging”: blogs and journalism

I’ve been ploughing through my book, Blogging, figuring out what needs revising for the second edition. Lots is still good, but some is outdated – like the lengthy explanations of what Facebook is. Not necessary in 2012… So far the chapter on […]


Do people still see blogs as networks?

I’m working on a revision of my book Blogging, and it’s really interesting revisiting this book that I wrote five years ago. One thing is that social media wasn’t a familiar term back then, and that Path, Pinterest and and many other […]


Now that most phone calls at the office are official, not private, I’ve been practising answering my office phone with a serious, deep-voiced “Jill Walker” rather than my habitual, informal “Hei det er Jill!” I forgot last Wednesday though. The man on […]