I’ve been ploughing through my book, Blogging, figuring out what needs revising for the second edition. Lots is still good, but some is outdated – like the lengthy explanations of what Facebook is. Not necessary in 2012…
So far the chapter on blogs and journalism has the most pages crossed out.
I think a lot changed. And there are some obvious new examples to discuss. I’ll definitely include a discussion of the use of blogs and Twitter during and after the Utøya massacre. I don’t mention newspapers live-blogging trials, sports and other events – this must be a new but fairly well-established journalistic genre by now. Has anyone written about it? And what I wrote about Technorati and Slashdot and others as gatewatchers of the media via blogs (following Axel Bruns) needs updating. Does this even happen any more? There’s certainly a gate watching function in Twitter and Facebook’s sharing of links to news and sometimes to blogs. But something directly relating to blogs?
I wrote this on my iPhone. One reason I blog and comment less on blogs is that I read mostly on my phone or iPad, and typing is a nuisance and linking is a pain. But I’ve decided to do more of t anyway 🙂
Hi Jill,
Just thought I’d drop you a line as I saw your motivating comment on the Penelope Truck’s blog post “Get pregnant at 25…” I am almost 25 and half way through my PhD. Thinking about what I want with and how I am going to achieve my future career/family life has brought upon a plethora of uncertainty for me. I do believe in the importance of having a family and dedicating your uttermost time/effort towards them but I also want a good career for myself as I enjoy research (my field is cancer research). I know everyone has different ways of doing things and what works for one person might not work for others, but thanks for putting things into perspective for me.
Good luck with picking up the pace with your research! 🙂
Good luck with your choices, whatever you do, Phuoc! There are certainly many ways of going about life. And academia is different in different countries. But in my case, having a child early has worked very well indeed. Of course, I’ve sort of messed things up by having two more children late as well, but at least I’ve already made professor and got tenure, right? 🙂
m c morgan
Looking forward to the second edition. Spring 2013, maybe?. The text goes down a treat in the Weblogs and Wikis course I teach. The title of the course is showing it’s age. Needs a change to something like “Social Media.” We’ve moved well into Twitter, tagging, social bookmarking, open education. But we still come back to weblogs and wikis.
Thanks for the feedback! Are there specific things you’d like changed or updated, or that work less well? I’ve got another month to tweak things 🙂