
The author has 275 posts

Electronic literature

Publishers, literature and apps

(UPDATE: Please read Harald Fougner from Gyldendal’s comment to this post, which shows that there is indeed more to this than I had imagined. Thanks Harald.) One of the biggest Norwegian publishers, Gyldendal, is inviting new, unpublished authors to a writing competition in […]

social media

Norwegian youth and digital citizenship

A new government report on young people and power structures in Norway, NOU 2011: 20 – Ungdom, makt og medvirkning, has just been sent out for comments, and our department administration asked us Digital Culture people to take a look at the […]

Interesting reads

I love my RSS feed. Every article I read on my almost too-brief commute from work (a mere 13 minutes by train) was brilliant. Culture Digitally and The Institute of Network Cultures both wrote about the leaked Operation Manual for Live Content Moderators on […]

Spam poetry

Occasionally I get a spam comment that’s simply beautiful. This is poetry, and I don’t have the heart to relegate it to the spam bin, but if I publish it as a comment I’d approve the emailer and risk future bad comments […]

Madonna is a fan of fanvids?

Madonna’s half-time show at the Super Bowl yesterday is a great example of the symbiotic relationship between so-called mainstream culture and amateur, remix, fan culture or whatever you want to see it. First, Luminosity made a very well-received fan video combining Madonna’s […]

Networked Politics

“One Europe – One Market”

Yesterday I spent the day at a very different kind of conference to the ones I usually attend: an EU conference called “One Europe – One Market“where EU commissioners, industry representatives and princesses discussed the future of the common, single market. Well, […]