Month: August 2003

almost erased

I’ve been leafing through old boxes of photographs finding forgotten versions of myself. 1992: My second year at university and I’d chopped off my hair, as I do now and then, though inside me I always have long, chestnut hair that curls […]

truth revisited

I just can’t stay away from the truth/facts/reality thread these days despite swearing repeatedly to disregard it (analyse that!), and so I must point out that even William Gibson, a novelist, has people assuming that because he writes something, it must be […]


I always thought Mary Poppins was strictly fanciful and, you know, a musical, but have a listen to the IBM rally song (ca. 1931) and the bankers singing in Mary Poppins will seem utterly realistic to you. Of course there are many […]

degrees of separation

I’m friends with Eirik, Eirik has shaken hands with the Norwegian Prime Minister, and the Norwegian Prime Minister has shaken hands with both Clinton and Bush. I’m just three degrees away from the president of the United States! Oh, if only I […]

politics on blogs

Eirik and Jon have been writing about Howard Dean, the Democratic presidential candidate who’s blogging. Jon also pointed me to Dan Gillmor’s interesting analysis of Dean’s net campaign. Following links around about I was fascinated to see that Dean’s been a guest […]

decluttering work

I just resubscribed to Flylady‘s emails after my holidays, and brilliantly, this week’s missions are about developing sustainable office routines and decluttering your workspace and work time. Excellent timing.


Miles Hochstein has published his life as an autodocumentary in photos, year by year. I leaf (clicking) through this stranger’s photo album to realise that my album is almost the same as his: myself as a baby, child, teenager, student, traveller, parent. […]


A recurring moment of parenthood I’d happily do without is that evening hour when you think your child’s asleep (by Jove, she should be) and you get out the chocolate only to hear a little voice call “What are you eating mummy? […]

same difference

Ah. They destroyed all the napalm in 2001, you see. What they dropped on Iraq wasn’t napalm, it was Mark 77. Well, yes, it does has the same effect but the chemical structure is slightly different. Really! (via Dagbladet)


There’s an interesting and unusually poignant discussion over at Elouise’s about writing intensely personal blog posts. A suggestion I like is that once published (abstracted) feelings are no longer personal. Everyone feels them. That would be the difference between publishing what Jonathan […]