A recurring moment of parenthood I’d happily do without is that evening hour when you think your child’s asleep (by Jove, she should be) and you get out the chocolate only to hear a little voice call “What are you eating mummy? Why are you allowed to eat chocolate on weekdays?”
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Ha! That sounds *very* familiar.
Lisa Firke
Very familiar indeed.
A later development is that you buy food only to discover the next day that someone (could it be the teenaged boy in the house?) has eaten it all after you went to bed.
Oh no! You mean they get their revenge! Scary thought…
Find the darkest non-sweetned chocalate you can, and tell your daughter it’s an anti-oxidant [which chocolate is] that some older people eat. Provided she doesn’t like it, you then keep that wrapper, and insert other chocolate into it when you’re having an illegal mid-week nibble of a night.
It’s an old plan, but it might just work.
Alternatively, you could just be more surreptitious about how you eat it.
Brilliant! I’m going to implement this plan instantly! Well, next week, my daughter’s at her dad’s this week, so I can eat all the chocolate I like!