Month: August 2003

relational aesthetics

Last year I received strange SMSes for 72 hours, because I’d signed up for Tim Etchell’s artwork Surrender Control. Matt Locke curated that work and has written an article comparing it to two other works, using the term relational aesthetics to describe […]


I was away when that bloggers’ scruff happened, where Mark Pilgrim got so fussed about accountability (check the “3 versions” link) and standing for what you publish that he not only rewrote his own blogging software to show every single revision made […]

friends and tribes

Jesus Christ invited Liz to be part of his network of friends at Tribe, another social networking site similar to Friendster. This seems like an obvious strategy for online evangelists, but it reminds me of all the fictional friendsters I’ve been acquiring […]

morning improv

Scott McCloud, comic guru, has a site he calls Morning Improv: “One hour each day, whatever comes into my head.” It’s not formatted as a blog, because each morning’s comic has its own page (there is, however, a bloggish compilation of links […]


/S?©gri?®s, June 30/ Row upon row of lavender, a sudden lake of blue in yellow fields of wheat. Lavender’s blue, lavender’s green, I knew that, but until I came to Provence I didn’t know that the blue and the green blur together […]

being lara croft

This evening I was Lara Croft. It was brilliant: all I had to do was walk into the “Kickpuls” session at the gym and bam I was in the midst of a neatly choreographed rectangle of people kicking, punching, lunging and jumping […]


Bots and automated characters are going to be the first kind of digital media we explore in this Autumn’s classes. Obviously we’ll look at Eliza and read some of what her creator, Weizenbaum, wrote about her in the sixties. My daughter’s lent […]

back at work

I’m stitching working minutes together this week: there’ll be fifteen minutes while Aurora pretends to be a baby tiger, half an hour while she plays with her LeapPad, an hour while she plays with lego, forty-two minutes while she’s outside, before it […]


Have you come across the Halfbakery? They collect, critique and vote on half-baked ideas, fictitious inventions. The Film Noir Home, for instance: A very ‘wired’ home which knows what you’re doing and uses voice synthesis to announce, in the first person, what […]

must stop

Emails can be blocked, phone numbers deleted, photos burned, but my fingers keep typing in the URL of his blog before my mind has time to stop them. I need a software equivalent of that horrible-tasting stuff they smear on your fingernails […]