Month: June 2003


I was a burning knot of fury when I went to my Alexander technique lesson this morning. By the end of the class I was calm again, and everything felt so much more tangible. It’s like magic. And I don’t get RSI […]

on comments

Jon, Jenny, Torill and Eirik have all been discussing comments (to allow them or not). I can’t discuss a thing until I’ve got through the huge pile of student work I have to assess before Friday. I reckon self-assessment has a lot […]

why norwegians think it’s summertime now

This joke is sadly true, and explains why we Norwegians are all thrilled that summer’s here, although it’s only about 10?C today… It’s light until 11 pm though! That’s pretty good! I got the joke in email and can’t find it on […]

CSCL conference

CSCL stands for Computer Support for Collaborative Learning, and there’s an international CSCL conference every year. This year it’s in Bergen. Three of their student volunteers have just had to cancel and so they’re looking for extras: anyone in Bergen who’s willing […]

reasons not to allow comments

Torill explains why she doesn’t have comments in her blog. It’s in Norwegian, but the main arguments are: Comments require more maintenence, you might get trolls, and you probably have a legal, editorial responsibility for what’s in the comments so you really […]


Power-up is a computer games symposium in Bristol July 14-15. July 14 is my daughter’s birthday, and we’ll be in the South of France hoping for Bastille Day fireworks to celebrate her seventh anniversary, so I’m definitely not going – but it […]


Why does it cost three times as much to buy one article online from the New York Times as it does to buy a whole newspaper, on paper, in Norway? And it’s nearly six times the cost of an Australian newspaper. Do […]


Matt writes about starting with the default template and changing it as you notice the hordes of other bloggers using exactly the same template. A common enough experience, I imagine. But then he cites Manovich: Lev Manovich makes the interesting argument that […]


My daughter got her first email account today! And look what she sent me: You are the most wandefolest mummyin the world from your daughter Isn’t she just gorgeous!? I think someone helped her spell “daughter” 🙂