My Books


This evening I really want to go to Fitteprat (that means cunt talk, it’s a feminist literature reading and discussion) – my girlfriend Gro is speaking, so is my MA thesis advisor (one of them) and there are lots of other people […]


Now that most phone calls at the office are official, not private, I’ve been practising answering my office phone with a serious, deep-voiced “Jill Walker” rather than my habitual, informal “Hei det er Jill!” I forgot last Wednesday though. The man on […]


I am now incapable of writing “wow” without capitalising the final W. WoW. World of Warcraft. Oh dear. Constant editings of conversationally written wows in emails and flickr comments…

not doing student blogging

I suspect that the blogging I used to have the students doing in previous iterations of this course probably saved a lot of student email. Students read each others blogs, asked questions and answered questions in them, and when they succeeded in […]

student emails

It’s great that students can so easily email their lecturers, isn’t it? Except when, completely hypothetically of course, you have 70 students in a class, 20 of whom don’t feel the need to turn up to lectures (most lectures aren’t mandatory in […]

have you heard of address normalisation?

I’ve never met the head of the mathematics department here at the University of Bergen, but I already like him because he has a “head of department blog” that is exactly the kind of thing I think a head of department should […]

self-presentation as academic discipline

Profgrrrrl has a very specific and useful post about how to answer that question, you know, the “how’s your work going” question. I’ve come to the same conclusions as she has, but not without previously falling into most of the traps she […]

spikes in posting

Look at these spikes in blog posts registered by Technorati compared to major (US) political events: At the Norwegian blog contest I juried last year less than 10% of the submissions were “political blogs”. I wonder whether there’s any other way of […]

stark difference

So here’s a google search to show students: try searching the Chinese version and the US version of Google for “Tiananmen”. As in Tiananmen Square. Remember? If you’re in China, the government would rather you didn’t. (via Stayfree, Pen to Paper and […]


Finally! I’ve been dreaming of this since I was a child! Go on, the story‘s even better than the result! (Unfortunately, via Satirewire)