My Books

worksheet for Skartveit’s “Take the f train”

Puzzling over how to explain students who’ve never tried it how to write a textual analysis I remembered how they loved the quizzes we did earlier this semester. So here’s a worksheet (rtf) I made for Hanne-Lovise Skartveit’s Take the F train, […]

why i can’t buy a norwegian skypein phone number

The only reason I have a landline phone connection is so that my daughter’s friends can ring her easily and cheaply. Mobile and skype would be more than enough for me, but while MSN chat’s certainly gaining ground in the local 9-10 […]

ume in august

I’m going to Ume in Northern Sweden for a couple of days in August to do one of the keynotes at a workshop for PhD students organised by HUMlab. The topic is Interaction In Digital Environments. I visited HUMlab a few years […]

what we blog, email and search for

Jason Kottke notes the difference between the New York Times most blogged and most emailed articles – the most blogged is far more political than the most emailed. Interesting, the top searches readers have done at the New York times are closer […]

the myth that women don’t play games

What do you think game designers can be thinking? Let’s design our games assuming no women will play. Let’s market games by using booth babes at conventions or employing girl gamers as “totty with trigger” (you’d think it was a parody but […]

distance in azeroth

Filched from Esther because that’s how I think of those distances too – and because I can’t actually go visit these places tonight but have to read about reorganisation and read student work and comment both and have ideas instead. Ruther’an Village […]

a picture story of our story-telling contest

Esther photographed last week’s story-telling contest and compiled a lovely tale of it all. I’m not going to tell you whether I won or not because that would compromise my character’s anonymity, but it sure was a lot of fun! And I’m […]

what do you do when your kid starts ninja-looting?

Liz Lawley’s latest post on Terra Nova mentioned her consternation when a professional connection contacted her to tell her her teenaged son was ninja-looting an instance and would she please log on to tell him to stop. Actually, this has to be […]

storytelling competition

I’m telling a story in Thunder Bluff in 45 minutes. See, some non-warriors in my guild had a very glorious shield drop that can only be used by warriors. They decided to run a competition to see which of us warriors should […]

reasons to be a pseudonymous blogger, part 452249

Actually posting just the last word of your dissertation is exactly the same kind of hide-and-seek now-you-see-me-now-you-don’t game that pseudonymous bloggers get to indulge in all the time. Look, here’s a photo of all of me except my face. Look, now I’m […]