Yoo-hoo! Most of the images are up on elinor.nu, our catalogue of Nordic electronic literature, and it looks pretty cool!
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Yoo-hoo! Most of the images are up on elinor.nu, our catalogue of Nordic electronic literature, and it looks pretty cool!
We made the Elinor site all snazzy! The new site is just up, so there are a few issues still, and most of the images aren’t there yet, but it’s still looking infinitely better than it was, thanks to Pixelpikene and their […]
Tormod Carlsen is a Bergener who’s been active in the local neighbourhood associations for a while and is now considering entering more formal politics – and he’s blogging it at Bergensvalget. It’ll be interesting to see how it works out – I […]
Suw Charman is one of the blog consultants I met at Blogtalk (I hadn’t even realised there was such a job, isn’t it cool? She goes into businesses when their blogging goes bad and helps them out – and other things.) Suw […]
[heavily edited after posting] One of the pieces of unstable art in Stavanger this weekend is Finnish artist’s Laura Beloff’s The Fruit Fly Farm, which is a second stage of a project she started with The Head. The Head is a piece […]
I’m speaking at Article in Stavanger today. It’s a beautiful sunny day here (finally, it’s rained for weeks, I’m sure) and the city is full of “unstable art” installations. Should be good!
I have a bunch of student paper drafts, some MA project descriptions and a nearly completed draft of an MA thesis to read and prepare feedback for and a talk to prepare and oh dear, I can’t think straight. Which is a […]
Playing World of Warcraft it’s quite clear that the whole point of the game is that it doesn’t end. Sure, you can reach level 60, but when you do there’s the “endgame”, which lasts for ages and in which you battle for […]
Terra Naomi used YouTube for a “virtual tour” this summer – so instead of driving around the country as she’s done previous, she put videos of herself playing her guitar and singing on YouTube. Go have a look at the video of […]
This morning I’m talking about blogs and learning for my university’s Kompetanseforum i IKT og lÊring. I’m going to base this on my keynote in Hawaii (ssshh, don’t tell anyone that it was online and I wasn’t really in Hawaii, let me […]