My Books

mobile phones should last for five years

Yesterday my two year old mobile phone suddenly decided not to make noises anymore. And no, it wasn’t on silent – it simply no longer rings out loud, no matter how I set the volume or ring tones or profiles and so […]

payperpost requires disclosure

Looks like PayPerPost has succumbed to the outcry about paid, advertising blog posts where bloggers don’t specify that they’re being paid to write about a product – their new Terms of Service require participating bloggers to disclose the fact that they’re paid […]

Web 3 conference in Paris

Oh, I would have loved to be here! But then again, I love being here, at home, Christmas decorations up and just thinking about whether I’ll go out and get the last gifts this evening. I’m actually happy that it’s dark already […]

planning my sabbatical

I’ve been offered to opportunity to apply for qualification funding – funding for research travel and so on that’s likely to help me publish more so that I eventually qualify for full professorship. Which would rock. So I’m trying to figure out […]

interesting PhD fellowships advertised at University of Oslo

Interesting new PhD fellowships open at the University of Oslo: two have been advertised for people doing practice-based research on new forms of texts that will be used in knowledge work, learning and so on. My understanding is they’re looking for projects […]

books are tools for marketing online writing

Leevi Lehto in Ny poesi: [P]ublishing in book form can be seen as a concession to the part of my potential readership that has not yet embraced the advantages of reading online. To me, book is a tool for marketing the online […]

MacBook theft control

Have you heard of Undercover? It’s laptop protection software for Macs that only goes into action when your laptop’s stolen. See, that’s when you tell the Undercover people your secret code, which they then register in their database of stolen computers, and […]


Ugh. When I got to my office this morning a window was slightly open, stuff on the shelf by the window had been knocked down, there were muddy footprints on the floor between the window and the desk and the external monitor […]

campari ad with social software profiles

If you’re interested in marketing and commercial uses of social software networks, or if you’re concerned about social software in general, you’ll be interested in this post on the weblog ReadWriteWeb which describes Campari’s recent campaign. They combined a soft-porn with a […]

platform studies book series

Nick just pinged me to let me know he and Ian Bogost have a website up for their upcoming book series Platform Studies. Platforms have been around for decades, right under our video games and digital art. Those studying new media are […]