My Books

love the skin you’re in (hacking world of warcraft)

I like the taglines for this book: “Love the skin you’re in” and “don’t get pwned”. What taglines should we choose for the anthology of critical essays on World of Warcraft Hilde and I are editing? The final essays are due in […]

blogs for students

So I want some blogs to recommend to my students but man, all the blogs I read are by 35 year old women who are often academics and who like gadgets and new media and books and who really probably don’t have […]

flickr and blogger sell our surfing habits to the man?

Hm. I had an email from Flickr today telling me I have to merge my “old skool” Flickr account with a Yahoo account. And to switch to‘s new cool system, I have to switch to logging into that using a Google […]

Class notes: where blogs came from and what they are

Today’s class will begin with a discussion of the worksheets I made up for this week. I’m interested in what the students think of them. We’ll also be looking at their blogs and we’ll talk about the assignments. The main topic for […]

facebook narrative

I’ve been exploring Facebook recently, after Ina invited me to join, and it really does have some intriguing aspects – it seems to merge many things from many other social sites. Of course I’m the ONLY “faculty member” on it from my […]

Rune Klevjer’s trial lecture to be on Super Columbine Massacre!

Rune Klevjer‘s PhD thesis has been approved, and he’ll be defending it on February 9th! The afternoon before the defence, Rune will hold his “trial lecture”, and the topic is very, well, topical: “Aesthetics and Ideology in Computer Games: An Analysis of […]

worksheet for students: am i insane?

I’ve been so impressed by the utvidet arbeidsplan (“expanded work plans”) my daughter’s been bringing home from school after the latest reform of schools in Norway that I’ve tried to make one for my students. The idea is to give them a […]

blogging behind bars

I found an unusual blog by chance: NÂgons mamma – nÂgons dotter (that’s Swedish for “Someone’s mother – someone’s daughter”), written by a woman in jail. She writes her blog posts in letters to her daughter, who posts them to the blog […]