My Books

where i’ll be this year

Inspired by Scott’s list, here’s where I’m planning on travelling this year. MiT5, April 27-29, at MIT (Cambridge, MA). I’m on a panel with Scott and Nick. ELO2007: The Future of Electronic Literature, May 3, MITH in Maryland. Personal Democracy Forum 2007 […]

do you have a full-time intimate community?

I think I was born fifteen years too late to have an FTIC (Full-Time Intimate Community): FTICs are the close group of friends (usually around 8-10 people) with whom you share presence. Most mobile youths know whether members of their FTIC are […]

TechMeme – google news for blogs

I have the feeling I’ve been rather slow on this, but I only just discovered TechMeme. It’s like Google News – but for blog posts. So this morning, you can see that the most hotly debated item on blogs right now is […]

hva er humanistisk informatikk?

We made a poster about humanistic informatics, too, when we were doing the research project posters on electronic literature and game research. Those of you who can read Norwegian can, well, read it, the rest of you can enjoy the pretty fonts. […]

habermas, the public sphere and the internet

Axel Bruns has written a very useful discussion of Habermas’s (lack of) development of his notion of the public sphere in response to the internet, based on a keynote adress Habermas gave that is now published.

perceptive pixel: this looks such fun!

Remember those amazing screens they used to analyse memory data from the precogs in Minority Report? Looks like we might actually be able to use screens like that soon: So this is by Perceptive Pixel, a company started last year by Jeff […]

what is feral hypertext?

Several people have been writing about my concept of feral hypertext in the last few days (Beth Kantor, Tags/Network/Narrative, a discussion in English 518’s Course Blog (taught by Chutry) – or see Technorati’s up-to-date list), so I thought I should provide a […]

twitter uses

Interesting uses of Twitter: Attendees of SWSX can send the text JOIN SWSX to a number and have their twitters shown on a large screen during the conference – or, I imagine, subscribe to all conference tweets as SMSes sent to their […]

swedish review of electronic literature collection

There’s a great review of the Electronic Literature Collection in today’s Svenska Dagbladet, which is (I think?) Sweden’s biggest newspaper. The review was written by Jesper Olsson, who’s doing his PhD on digital literature at the University of Stockholm (but who apparently […]

ways of twittering

I’ve been using Twitter today, and as in the early days of blogging, half the posts seem to be thinking about the technology itself. It’s kind of fun, to be honest, though I suspect it might not be sustainable. So what is […]