My Books

nother video

A take-off of’s heartfelt video of singers overlaying an Obama speech – this is the same but with a McCain speech. I guess they’re kind of simplifying things, but, well, works great as political entertainment. Oh dear. Politics has become entertainment. […]

might you use my “blogging” book in your teaching?

I’m filling out the marketing form for my book on blogging (copy-editing done; proofs next!), and they want me to provide a list of fifteen people who might adopt the book in teaching – I’m assuming the publisher will send desk copies […]

political communication online: in norway?

I’m in Copenhagen today, at the first meeting of a Nordic network on political communication online headed by Lisbeth Klastrup. The object today is to get some overview of activity in the different Nordic countries, and I’ve been tasked with presenting the […]

31 weeks pregnant

Cons: My belly’s big enough now that I can’t bend over comfortably, or pull on my stockings, or zip up my boots. The fun second trimester’s definitely over. My normal walk to work – thirty minutes, which I usually love – is […]

fewer political games, more politicised videos and social networks?

Ian Bogost notes that there are fewer political games so far in this US presidential campaign than there were in 2004. Largely, he argues, and this seems fair, because “since 2004, online video and social networks have become the big thing, as […]

quick links

Jean Burgess explains why she’s deleting her Facebook account – and how difficult it is to do. Strange video overlay of many, many attempts to complete a Super Mario Bros level. Via Kottke, who also notes several other examples of videos representing […]

my talk on social networks for first tuesday bergen

I enjoyed my First Tuesday Bergen experience yesterday. Interesting people at dinner beforehand, and the two other presenters gave very engaging talks from a business point of view – Rune R¯sten (long-time Norwegian blog enthusiast who ran the blogs and more at […]

i’m speaking on social networks at first tuesday this tuesday

I’m giving a talk for First Tuesday here in Bergen this Tuesday evening, on social networks. They got an interesting line up – Rune R¯sten, who runs one of Norway’s large social networks, Nettby, is speaking, and so is Kjetil Manheim, from […]

NRK releases TV series DRM-free on Bittorrent

I’ve been meaning to blog this for a while, but now I have no excuse; NRK even translated their announcement to English just for you international readers. The deal is, NRK, Norway’s biggest television station (and the license-financed one), has released a […]