I’m really looking forwards to seeing my good friend and colleague Hilde Corneliussen‘s new book, Gender-Technology Relations: Exploring Stability and Change, which will be out on Palgrave on January 3. Hilde and I co-edited the World of Warcraft anthology together, and have […]
. Rita Raley’s giving this morning’s keynote at Digital Poetics and the Present, an ELMCIP seminar in Amsterdam, and in a larger discussion titled “Living Letterforms: The Ecological Turn in Contemporary Digital Poetics”, she’s offering a reading of David Jhave Johnston‘s Sooth, […]
I fixed my blog! I fixed my blog!! And it only took about two months of whining to anybody who would listen that my ten years of blogging was gone, lost in hyperspace, between an ancient WordPress 2.0.1 install on a legacy […]
I’m very bored by the blog transfer thing, I’m afraid. So I still haven’t managed to export my old blog posts in a format that my new blog will accept. I should probably incrementally upgrade my old WordPress 2 install to the […]
Hey, sorry, guys, I sort of switched hosts and forgot to get the backup and stuff sorted beforehand, so it’ll be a few days till I get the old blog back up here. Maybe Monday. Sorry!
Today I’m on a response panel after Clay Shirky’s talk here in Bergen. But there are two other events today that may be just as interesting (and that are free – Shirky’s talk costs 990 kr, about $180, to attend). This morning […]
Jacob Harris of the New York Times offers a useful critique of word clouds, which as he says are often used indiscriminately, providing little insight, or worse, making the actual data less understandable. His examples are excellent. Look at this meaningless wordcloud […]
Like many others, I’ve been following the 99% movement in social media, intellectually interested in the use of social technology, and certainly engaged in the cause itself as well (from privileged Norway, certainly part of the 1% globally speaking). Mike Konczal’s analysis […]
Today is the final class on Digital Media Ethics in DIKULT106, and we’re discussing sex and games. This is my least favourite chapter in Ess’s book – his discussion of sex barely mentions digital media, instead presenting a general ethical discussion for […]
I’m sipping coffee at Stockfleth’s (found via Foursquare, great place) after sleeping my way to Oslo on the night train from Bergen. I’m reading documents and googling in preparation for the first meeting of Digitutvalget, a government appointed panel that has been […]
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