My Books

Madonna is a fan of fanvids?

Madonna’s half-time show at the Super Bowl yesterday is a great example of the symbiotic relationship between so-called mainstream culture and amateur, remix, fan culture or whatever you want to see it. First, Luminosity made a very well-received fan video combining Madonna’s […]

Networked Politics

“One Europe – One Market”

Yesterday I spent the day at a very different kind of conference to the ones I usually attend: an EU conference called “One Europe – One Market“where EU commissioners, industry representatives and princesses discussed the future of the common, single market. Well, […]

Are we estranged from our own social media?

Watching this video about a location-based game used in marketing a new model of Mini car in Stockholm, at first I just felt exhausted at the total corruption of social media for the purpose of marketing and profit.We’re discussi gMark Andrejevic’s article […]

Digital Art

where is…?

I have so many things I want to blog and can’t find the time to do it. Most disheartening. Meanwhile, here is one of those charming little poems Google sometimes generates for you when you start typing a search phrase into the […]


visualising my LinkedIn network

I’m not sure how useful this visualisation of my LinkedIn network is. They say I can use it to figure out which areas of my professional network I need to work on. But it’s pretty. And fairly accurate at grouping people. The […]

Program or be Programmed?

A link-filled post from Kristine Lowe (descriptively titled Will we see state-controlled intranets start replacing the Internet in 2012?) led me to Douglass Rushkoff’s argument that we need to create a genuinely peer-to-peer internet to replace the irredeemably state-controlled internet we have […]

teaching pre-schoolers to create digital media

I heard somewhere that 50% of pre-school kids in Norway have access to smart phones and tablets like iPads at home, and are proficient in using them. But what about the kids who don’t have access? In theory, preschools in Norway are supposed […]


New semester, new courses

This semester just properly started with our program’s orientation meeting today. It’s great to see so many new and familiar faces! I’m teaching a new to me course this semester: DIKULT251: Critical Perspectives on Technology and Society with Bachelor Thesis, and I’ve […]