My Books


Of course! Adrian is having students assess one of their own blog posts against the assessment matrix he’s provided. That makes sense! Next time I teach the web design and web aesethetics course (the blogging one) I’m definitely going to set up […]

April fool!

I hope the plan to store the DNA of people who might be terrorists is an April fool’s joke. As, fortunately, was Deena’s email: The US government has declared a new security procedure and has directed US citizens to send all academic […]

trackback for beginners

Ah. A beginner’s guide to TrackBack, by Mena and Ben Trott, the creators of Moveable. Just what we needed.

wartime travelogue

Christopher Allbritton, the freelance independent journalist wanting to cover the Iraq war by weblog, is currently close to the border of Northern Iraq, trying to enter. His weblog, Back to Iraq is fascinating reading right now, it’s a lively, detailed and well-written […]


Note to self: TouchÈ by Mouchette is all about the user having to caress the screen with her mouse to penetrate it for its secrets. Useful for that chapter about touch in digital texts.

how to think like mcluhan

At the McLuhan Program in Toronto they aim to “essentially (..) teach people to think like Marshall McLuhan did… you know… come up with cute aphorisms, predict the future, that sort of stuff…” I wonder if that’s the official learning outcome? That […]

forms art blog

This weeks my students are doing JavaScript forms and I’m racking my head to think of any blogs that use forms usefully, so that I can give the students a constructive and useful task to do with forms rather than one of […]

claim to fame

OMG. I got a link from Wired! What a claim to fame! It’s from another story on Salam Pax that discusses how the immense load on Salam Pax’s blog from Baghdad is creating problems for the server where he keeps images and […]

digital guerilla warfare

I wonder whether the hackers who yesterday replaced Al-Jazeera’s content with an American flag will be as relentlessly hunted by the FBI as they would be if they’d targeted CNN or Wall Street? Perhaps?

a class i’m happy with

Today’s class was pretty good. First I asked the students to individually read one of four different web fictions for ten or fifteen minutes. The options were Tor ?ge BringsvÊrd’s dictionary story Faen. NÂ har de senket takh¯yden igjen, Liz Miller: Moles: […]