My Books

Here’s a really hot trading tip: Jorunn Danielsen’s Andedammen is currently valued at ZERO dollars in the fictive blog share market game This means you can buy shares in her blog for free, and then, when you link to her, the […]

views of iraq

Christopher Allbritton, the independent weblog war correspondent has managed to smuggle himself into Iraq. I’m enjoying following his story so much I made a donation (my $25 seems rather measly given he paid $3000 to the smugglers just for entry) and am […]

official sms warnings

The Norwegian government’s serious about using SMSes to warn the population about catastrophes, but they seem to be thinking more of warning about epidemic diseases and floods than of replacing air raid sirens as we discussed last month. In Hong Kong authorities […]


I’m tired. Sometimes I wish there was an autopilot-button on life.


Did you know that there are blogging orcs?


Susanna Hertrich gave a guest lecture at our department today (Ellen took notes), and I got to have a coffee with her first and get to know her a little – she teaches interactive and time-based media at the Kunsth¯gskolen and it’s […]

dull blog

Ha: The Dullest Blog in the World: “I looked at the internet for a while. There seem to be a lot of pages one can look at these days. I carried on looking at the internet for a while longer, but there […]

quality vs competence

Why, I wonder, is the English translation for Kvalitetsreformen not the Quality Reform but the Competence Reform? Mind you all the options sound kind of weird, don’t they?


Of course! Adrian is having students assess one of their own blog posts against the assessment matrix he’s provided. That makes sense! Next time I teach the web design and web aesethetics course (the blogging one) I’m definitely going to set up […]

April fool!

I hope the plan to store the DNA of people who might be terrorists is an April fool’s joke. As, fortunately, was Deena’s email: The US government has declared a new security procedure and has directed US citizens to send all academic […]