My Books

social media

Turn your workouts into zombie adventures

I haven’t tried this yet, because I, uh, left my running shoes in Norway, but Zombies, Run is certainly an amazing concept. It’s a running app for your phone that sets you in a story: 100 metres into your run you hear […]

Visualise me

Fitbit as an automated diary

I’ve been using a Fitbit step counter since New Year and have been enjoying the various visualizations it gives me of my days. It provides an interesting form of automated diary of my days. Here, for instance, is last Monday, Easter Monday, […]

Visualise me

A periodic table of visualization

If you click through to the original of this periodic table of visualization from Visual Literacy, you’ll be able to mouse over each element to see an example of that kind of visualization. (Via Guttorm Hveem)

Visualise me

“No digital natives but the devices themselves”

There are no digital natives but the devices themselves; no digital immigrants but the devices too, James Bridle writes. He extracted a history of 35,801 latitude/longitude codes from his iPhone after discovering in April 2011 that iPhones store location data without the […]