My Books


It was only looking through James’s books on Jenny Holzer, after we’d been to see her installation Running Words at Telenor’s new building, that I realised that she reuses her words all the time. “MEN DON’T PROTECT YOU ANYMORE”, for instance, is […]

Lisbeth reminded me of, which has so many strange little things, presented fascinatingly. I love this hand that opens, when clicked, to show reminders scribbled on the palm. Simple yet effective.

jenny holzer at telenor

There’s a Jenny Holzer installation at the new Telenor building at Fornebu, a 30 kroner bus ride from Oslo, and on Saturday afternoon James and I went out to see it. Running Letters consists of words that scroll from right to left […]


NÂ skriver jeg i webloggen min.

blog talk links

Here are links for my talk today, which is titled “Blogger og nettdagb¯ker: hva, hvorfor og hvordan?”


Oh dear, two of my favourite project blogs, and, are gone, taken over by other bloggers. The Wayback Engine only has the front page and not the archives (thedateproject, lettersneversent. I have copies, mostly, but it makes me sad anyway; […]

blog talks

Previous talks I’ve given on blogs where I’ve blogged the links and talked from the blog post: HUMlab in UmeÂ, November 2002; IFI here in Bergen in February 2003 for about blogs and learing; with Torill in Oslo, April 2002. And I […]


In a recent study in Norway, male professors described their female PhD candidates as “shy, insecure and unable to distinguish between themselves and their work” where as female professors described their female PhD candidates as ambitious. I guess we see different things, […]

being junior

I’m only just starting to wet my toes in the complicated seas of university politics, but shudder at Lisbeth exhausted post and Torill’s only slightly cheering followup about struggling as a new academic trying to make a difference. Torill mentions the added […]

media teacher talk

I’m giving another talk on blogging on Sunday, to Norwegian Media Teachers, who are running a seminar in connection with a conference for media professionals in Oslo next week. So today’s main task is to prepare my talk.