We’ve had a Facebook page for our Atakan for rektor 2013 campaign for, oh, several weeks already (follow us!), and today I saw our opponents, Team Olsen, have set up a Facebook page too. Dag Rune Olsen is already an establisehd blogger […]
For just over a year, I’ve been going to Oslo once a month to discuss hindrances for innovation and growth in digital content and services in Norway with an incredibly inspiring group of people: lawyers, consumer rights’ advocates, programmers, a couple of […]
[This Norwegian post is about early blogging history in Norway. English posting will resume shortly!] Kristian Bjørkelo redigerer en antologi med arbeidstittelen Bloggnoreg, som kommer ut på Humanist forlag om noen måneder, og jeg har fått i oppdrag å skrive et kapittel […]
The University of Bergen elects the Rector team every four years, and in 2013, I’m running for Vice-Rector for International Relations with Kuvvet Atakan as candidate for Rector, Vigdis Broch-Due for Pro-Rector and Gottfried Greve as Vice-Rector for Education. The election isn’t until April 2013, but […]
I’ve been dreadfully remiss in forgetting to post a note here about the PhD fellowships that are currently available at our department. We have seven open fellowships for the whole department (so any topic within digital culture, Nordic, linguistics, comparative literature, classics […]
Children are constantly exposed to gender stereotypes, but as a parent, I would like to minimize that influence and allow them to stay as open as possible about what sort of person they would like to be. There are ways to make things […]
So what does it do to democracy if we can predict the results of an election with 100% accuracy? Nate Silver’s predictions at the NY Times’ Fivethirtyeight.com election poll blog correctly called the results of 50 out of 50 states in this year’s US […]
Jesper Juul has become interested in visualisations of genre histories, and in a blog post yesterday he both showed the above visualisation of the history of film genres, based on 2000 US films, and linked to his own article on the history […]
Roberto Simanowski is giving the second keynote at Remediating the Social. It is titled The Compelling Charm of Numbers: Writing for and Thru the Network of Data, and you can read the full paper in the PDF of the proceedings or watch […]
[VIdeo of the conference is also available at http://bambuser.com/v/3110251] Remediation of the Social is the international conference that is the highlight of the ELMCIP project, and we’re excited to be here! We not only brought the whole Electronic Literature Research Group from UiB, […]
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