As you may remember, this semester I ran for election as vice-rector in Kuvvet Atakan’s team. Today the results were announced. We won 41% of the votes, which wasn’t enough to win, but certainly shows that a great many people at the University […]
I complained to Liz, who was here last weekend (wonderful, inspiring talk! slides here, video there) that I was getting bored with the election debates, of which there have been many, and she said, “So have fun! Make some memes!”
I co-authored two new debate pieces this week, one on university democracy, where Vigdis Broch-Due, who is running for Pro-Rector, was the primary author, and one on the need to improve gender balance at the University of Bergen. Both are important topics. […]
Three days ago, internet activist Aaron Swartz killed himself, as has been reported widely across social and traditional media. He killed himself on the second anniversary of being arrested for having downloaded thousands of academic articles from JSTOR via a laptop hidden […]
We’ve had a Facebook page for our Atakan for rektor 2013 campaign for, oh, several weeks already (follow us!), and today I saw our opponents, Team Olsen, have set up a Facebook page too. Dag Rune Olsen is already an establisehd blogger […]
The University of Bergen elects the Rector team every four years, and in 2013, I’m running for Vice-Rector for International Relations with Kuvvet Atakan as candidate for Rector, Vigdis Broch-Due for Pro-Rector and Gottfried Greve as Vice-Rector for Education. The election isn’t until April 2013, but […]
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