I just found a student lab full of eMacs in the basement of our building. I have no idea how its existence has managed to escape my attention. Such a lovely sight in a world of PCs running Windows everywhere.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
I just found a student lab full of eMacs in the basement of our building. I have no idea how its existence has managed to escape my attention. Such a lovely sight in a world of PCs running Windows everywhere.
The University of Bergen now has a site subscription to Rhizome! That means that anyone (any one person at a time) on the University’s network can browse Rhizome’s art base and other information without paying an individual membership. Rhizome has a great […]
Uh oh. It seems the Pentagon, no less, is warning that by 2020 Britain will be Siberian and abrupt climate changes will have brought the world to anarchy after or amid the upcoming climate wars.
Reading Scribblingwoman’s links to discussions on how blogging might be given credit as scholarship, I’m thinking that that paragraph in my job application letters about blogging might change a bit. Perhaps stats of readership and inwards links and some names of people […]
Orkut’s put up stats, showing the connectors (people most other people are most closely connected to), the celebrities and the stars. As Danah points out this probably won’t help build community, but it’s interesting seeing who’s listed. Clark, one of the US […]
The Case of the Molndal Murder is a Swedish location-based narrative where your movements around a museum call up videos on your PDA, using Bluetooth to determine your location in space. There’s a simulation you can view on screen.
See the net differently using artistic browsers, mail software that adds phrases to the emails you write, install a program that visualises the data on your harddrives or spread disinformation about (not) yourself across the network: all this and more at Dive. […]
I might show my students Bobquits.com today. It’s a mixture between a weblog and a reality show, reminiscent of Online Caroline and it’s a quit smoking campaign we saw advertised in NY. Unfortunately, it seems yesterday might have been the last update. […]