My Books

proofreading software?

There are spelling mistakes and grammatical errors in the latest Norwegian and Swedish versions of Windows XP, as, it must be said, there are in most translated software. Interestingly, the Swedish translator has actually blogged a post wondering how this might have […]

digital locket

See, to give your presentation you’d just unhook your locket and slip it into a USB port – your slides would be right there. To show a friend photos of your daughter or your lover or your holidays, the same. I think […]

all the AoIR posts from everyone

Lilia set up a Topic Exchange thingy for AoIR 5.0-related blog posts – all you need to do, if you’re posting something about AoIR, is send a trackback to and hey presto, a collaborative on-the-fly AoIR blog is created. Lilia also […]


Wicked tongues have it that it’s the lack of wireless that’s the reason for the question mark in the title of this conference: AoIR 5.0: Ubiquity?. I found the computer room, after a while, hidden away but with every (working) computer busily […]

found life

I found some of your life: someone found a memory card from a camera in a taxi, and is posting a photo a day, narrating as though he’s the photographer. Ethically really iffy (would you like it if it was your photos?) […]

wheel of misfortune

Also, I downgraded from Word 2004 to Word X so that I could use the Cite-While-You-Write feature of Endnote, which is lovely because you can easily add references and reformat the bibliography at your leisure. Endnote has yet to release an upgrade […]

actually finishing

Oh dear. My daughter’s friend rang and invited her to stay the night. “Can I, can I, mum, please?” Of course I let her, thinking to myself that this was indeed convenient, it gives me five or six extra hours to finish […]


Ooh. This is the sort of thing I enjoy doing in daydreams 🙂

embarrassing searches

I’m not going to get away from it, realistically, am I? Amazon gives you a discount if you use their A9 search engine – which disconcertingly remembers not just my name, but also a couple of slightly embarrassing searches I did in […]

writing, cooking, thinking

I’m off to AoIR on Sunday. Today I’m frantically writing my paper, which is supposed to be uploaded before the conference starts for website archival. This is definitely a Good Thing, and definitely good for getting me well started on really writing […]