My Books

where are you?

Cute, isn’t it? Where are visitors to this page? (Auto-update daily since 27-Jan-04) I find myself wondering who’s in which city – Bergen and Oslo are easy, and Copenhagen and Helsinki, and I think I can place Philadelphia, New York and Boston […]

studvest interview

Our student newspaper’s got a feature on blogs today, with brief interviews with bloggers explaining why they like blogging, and with me playing the role of the serious researcher. As always it’s strange seeing what a journalist picks from a half hours […]

see no world, hear no world

George Bush’s official campaign website is currently off limits to anyone outside of the US and Canada. Go on, try clicking the link: – it’s “403 forbidden”. Isn’t that weird? John Kerry‘s site’s still talking to us. It might be a […]

just describe it right and it’ll sound good

One advantage of reading time management porn might be enhanced skills in describing those things the world doesn’t understand are productive so they sound impressive. Oh, and a sign of unproductivity for the blogger: “rereading an unupdated web page is a sign […]

e-bay reader

Routledge is looking for four or five additional papers to go in a 2006 book they’re working on that will be called The E-bay Reader. Got any e-bay kitch, folklore, research, narrative or other experiences you want to write up as an […]

edge of the world

It’s hard belonging to a small nation, independent in name but so completely dependent on others. From this morning’s radio news: Though Norway said no to the invasion of Iraq, we also just happened to supply the US with weapons for the […]

shameless plea

In a linky mood? Try linking to! See, nobody on the whole web has linked to ELINOR‘s site except me. Not very surprising, I guess, since I’ve not announced it and all it had on it till today was “this site […]


Our conference is approaching and I’m concentrating on the electronic literature part of it. I’ve shined up the ELINOR website a bit, and I’m adding in a bit more information about the seminar there. Today I’ll be organising fliers for the library […]


Hey! Scott and Nick finished Implementation! Congratulations!


This is kind of comforting, weirdly: a Republican arguing that we should vote for Kerry because Bush is an extremist caricature of a conservative. See, if Kerry’s elected, the Republicans will have to work out why Bush lost, and become more moderate. […]