My Books


OK, I know the comments aren’t working. I upgraded to a new version of WordPress and everything works completely differently and tomorrow I’ll either downgrade or figure it out because it sucks.

moved to!!!

I did it! This blog has now more or less successfully moved to Well, except for that hiccup about the undefined function: get_recent_comments() in /home/www/ on line 186 which I’ll try and fix tomorrow. Tomorrow I shall coax my students into […]

mp3-players aren’t relevant, darling

By Norwegian law, making copies of media for your own private use has always been legal. Right now, downloading music or movies is legal, but uploading isn’t. Now a suggested law will make it illegal to download music (except from close friends, […]

stencilling studentsenteret

I’ve been enjoying the streetart and graffiti on the old student centre in the last week or so. The building’s going to be torn down, so it’s been declared fair game for decoration, and every morning when I walk past it new […]

DAC 2005 in Copenhagen!

The next Digital Arts and Culture conference is going to be in Copenhagen, December 1-3, and the call for papers is just out! Full papers to be submitted by August 1. My advisor, Espen Aarseth, started the Digital Arts and Culture series […]

eyes of laura

This is interesting. The Eyes of Laura. Will read more later. Blog, surveillance, videos, narrative, yeah, interesting.

hooray for anders!

Anders got the job! Hooray for f??rsteamanuensis Anders!


Things are really rather hectic. Not necessarily too hectic, but every minute at work is full and my list of things to do is getting longer, not shorter. I bought a paper newspaper today, despite my (unsatisfying) paid subscription to the PDF […]


They’ve identified Ole and Kirsti’s bodies. They probably have Shyrin‘s, too, but are still identifying it. I’m not sure what I’d expected to feel. All I have is an urge to change the subject every time its mentioned. I told my daughter […]


Look! Snowdrops! It’s nearly springtime!