Things are really rather hectic. Not necessarily too hectic, but every minute at work is full and my list of things to do is getting longer, not shorter. I bought a paper newspaper today, despite my (unsatisfying) paid subscription to the PDF version of the very same newspaper, just so I could sit on the sofa and relax, reading something not on a screen and not to do with work.

Yesterday everyone in our department came up to the director’s office, where I was last week, for a meeting with him and the dean. “Goodness, are there that many of you,” the dean and director exclaimed in surprise. This afternoon we booked a hotel for a retreat so we can figure out what our field is, what our strengths are and what we want our future to be. Did I mention the reorganisation? The changes? That being academics, we each have a different opinion on what the really important part of humanistic informatics is?

So what is humanistic informatics, people ask. Many things, I say, remembering the old chestnut of an exam question when I studied comparative literature: “What is literature?”

The question is endless. Like washing dishes.

6 thoughts on “change

  1. Lilia

    Where is another important thing missing now: links to previous/next posts and home page :)))

  2. lucie

    I like your new blog,its more tidy. But I will use the old one for a paper i shall write for my exame.

  3. Jill

    Oh, I forgot the previous/next links! The title links to the home page but I guess that’s not obvious…

    Lucie: good luck on your paper – I’d love a link or a copy when you’re done!

  4. Daisy

    Love the new look and your shirt!!
    My summer project will be moving on to Movable Type. The writingblog is a school thing and doesn’t reflect my personality at all 🙁

  5. Yashima

    I love your new layout, it’s much easier to read. Of course I like the picture with the t-shirt 🙂 – I ordered one after seeing the link here.

  6. Jill

    Oh, thanks! I must start WEARING that t-shirt more, too 🙂

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