My Books

notes from digital textuality seminar in Bergen

Today there have been talks on the history of critical editions and the political economy of digital critical editions, about the Wittgenstein Archive, a digital edition of all Wittgenstein’s notebooks developed here in Bergen, about digitalisation of early French newspapers and newsletters, […]

french scholars of digital scholarly editions

Today and tomorrow I’m going to be attending a seminar here in Bergen with Norwegian French scholars of digital scholarly editions. It’s a bit off the track of my main research, but it’ll be interesting to catch up with this field. My […]

interface as narrator?

I have this idea that somebody wrote something about the interface of hypertext fiction as a kind of narrator. You know, like the little navigation bar in afternoon, a story, or, I suppose, though this wouldn’t have been in the article, the […]

ELO has a new website

So the Electronic Literature Organisation just got a freshly designed version of their website, built using blogging software so it’ll be far more frequently updated, and with a really nice showcase of electronic literature.

freedom center

It will be fascinating to see the memorial building at the site of the WTC in New York (sorry, New York Times link, free registration required. You could try username jilltxt, password jilltxt). I’m absurdly proud that it’s designed by Norwegian architectual […]

60 second stories

Pushed for time? Want just a short fix of narrative? Try a 60 second story, a story told in a minute of video. Go on! Click that link! See, it’s our entry for the Contagious Media Showdown, and the entry that gets […]

go offline

Remember that eight-minute movie published in 2014, the one describing what actually happened between 2004 and 2014? And how the New York Times is going to go offline, becoming a newsletter for the intellectual elite and the elderly? They just took the […]


I’m renovating. The builders came today and started tearing down the walls. Actually it takes a while to literally tear walls down. First you have to tear down the doors, the door frames, the kitchen cupboards, the cords and the skirting boards. […]

site for would be bloggers?

A reader wrote me to ask whether I knew of a website that leads you through starting to blog – you know, explaining how to get started and making it easy to tell the difference between the different systems so you can […]