The digital narrative contest had ninety-three submissions! There were some really cool projects — we had the meeting yesterday. It’ll be wonderful seeing how some of these projects turn out!
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
Let me show you how art and culture drive technological development.
The digital narrative contest had ninety-three submissions! There were some really cool projects — we had the meeting yesterday. It’ll be wonderful seeing how some of these projects turn out!
One of the more obviously useful sides of being the head of a department is that you get more information than you do as a lowly PhD student. And sometimes you actually get asked what you think about things, with half a […]
Kunstkritikk.no has a blog about art criticism and blogging, written by Leif Magne Tangen and full of interesting links and thoughts about what art critics blogging, or criticism in blogs, might mean. (Yes, it was finding this blog with its link to […]
After buying wonderful new blue and red sneakers with golden stripes that change colours and glimmer as you do cartwheels, my daughter and I walked out onto VÂgsalmenningen to find we were the audience of a street performance. Four men and women […]
One of the things I really want to do with this blog is write about networked and digital art and literature. I do far too little of that. I don’t attend the really interesting things that happen in Bergen because I’m tired […]
Dagens NÊringsliv has an article about blogs today, with some stuff I talked with the journalist on the phone about, and a huge photo of me hugging my powerbook outside the new coffee shop at the university library. If you happened upon […]
The new Ândsverkslov or intellectual property rights law here in Norway is one of the things I clearly should be paying attention to but have no time or energy for. NRK has lots of articles about it, and one that makes me […]
Hm, if I’d be a US resident Apple would have extended the warranty on my iPod because the batteries of the early iPods weren’t good. They already replaced the whole iPod for me once, when the battery stopped recharging about eight months […]
I have to get up in six hours but how can one sleep away such nights?
Oh my. Today’s choice is of spot lights and down lights. The kitchen and dining area will have those elegant lights sunk into the ceiling (downlights in Norwegian, who knows what they’re called in English), and the hall and one bedrooom will […]