I want to support children in Greece. And I trust SOS Children’s Villages. My family sponsors a child through them. But I dislike this campaign: It wants me to email my friends telling them about the campaign. Not to ask them for money, […]
Ever since I came across the Digital Methods Initiative website I’ve wanted to attend one of their summer schools in Amsterdam, where they hack out new tools to do digitally native research on digitally native materials. They have an impressive range of […]
Back home again, I’m still processing all the ideas and people we met with in Chicago and California. Our last visit in California was to Howard Rheingold, who took us walking in the mountains by his home outside of San Francisco. Rheingold […]
I haven’t tried this yet, because I, uh, left my running shoes in Norway, but Zombies, Run is certainly an amazing concept. It’s a running app for your phone that sets you in a story: 100 metres into your run you hear […]
After my last post about visualizations of personal data, Guttorm Hveem suggested trying Memolane, a service that gathers all your social media feeds into a scrapbook that you can either keep private or make public. So of course I signed up and […]
Yesterday, Instagram was bought by Facebook for a billion dollars. Me, I just reread a post by Justin Hall from 2003 where he argued that cameras on mobile phones would be huge in the future. We don’t call Facebooking and Instagramming “mo-blogging” […]
I just signed up for my first ever e-course: NOW YOU on self-portraiture. I’ll receive email assignments three times a week for six weeks, and there’ll be discussions and a private Flickr group to share results with the other participants. I’ve seen […]
A new government report on young people and power structures in Norway, NOU 2011: 20 – Ungdom, makt og medvirkning, has just been sent out for comments, and our department administration asked us Digital Culture people to take a look at the […]
Google Scholar has a nifty new (?) feature where you can claim and manage your own articles. It suggested I start using it when I searched for my own name (um, I had some reason, I can’t remember what, now…) and I […]
Madonna’s half-time show at the Super Bowl yesterday is a great example of the symbiotic relationship between so-called mainstream culture and amateur, remix, fan culture or whatever you want to see it. First, Luminosity made a very well-received fan video combining Madonna’s […]
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