Ida Jackson is a Norwegian blogger I’m adding to my RSS feeds after reading some of her posts – she’s risen to blogger fame after writing reviews of the journalists who interviewed her about her new book, Jenter som kommer. Her reviews are great: she includes the best question and the worst question they asked and really shows how different interviews of the same person can turn out. The journalists of course were shocked at being reviewed (though the reviews were fairly positive, really) and so wrote about that. Here’s Jackson’s post summarising the whole affair, the article the journalist wrote afterwards and PÂl Hivand noting that the journalist’s “we journalists” vs “the bloggers” distinction really doesn’t work anymore.
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Tea Granhaug
Hei! Hedmark fylkesbibliotek og Akershus fylkesbibliotek arrangerer den 5. og 6. februar 2009 seminaret “StÂsted 2.0” – et seminar om web 2.0, bibliotekenes rolle i dagens samfunn, og veien videre. I den forbindelse lurer jeg p om du har lyst og mulighet til  delta som foreleser p seminaret? Seminaret finner sted p Clarion hotell p Gardemoen, og vi kunne ¯nske oss deg som Âpningsforeleser en av dagene.
Du kan n meg p eller p bloggen min! 🙂
Mvh Tea Kristin Granhaug, spesialbibliotekar, Hedmark fylkesbibliotek
Dear Jill, since I wasn’t sure whether you were still using the email, I am trying to get in touch this way.
I gather that you are Norwegian (correct me if I am wrong) and you might be able to point me into the right direction. Currently
I am doing a Research Master in Media studies in Utrecht University and I am working on a small project researching how linguistically the words representing the virtual space are being mapped in various languages and I would
appreciate if you took a minute to reply what are the words mentioned
bellow in Norwegian. I think this could potentially reveal
a fascinating kaleidoscope of how we define the virtual in various
cultures. In example, in Lithuanian (I’m from Lithuania myself) ‘web site’ is ‘interneto svetainė’ which in fact means a
living/sitting/common room in the internet. ‘blog’ is ‘tinklaraötis’ which means a script on the net or a net that
is weaving a pattern/script and ‘to surf’ is ‘naröyti’ which stands for rummage. I was wondering such patterns could be traced in other languages. While I understand that English lexicon is quite popular, perhaps some new words are being invented to replace the English ones?
A few words I am interested in are:
‘web site’
‘internaut’ (or other words defining the users of the internet)
If you could take a minute to reply with as precise
definitions of the above words with as correct transcription of them
(with dots, umlauts and other diacritics), I would be forever
grateful. If you come up with some other interesting words circulating
within that context or would like to forward this to other people
from across the globe, you are more than welcome. Perhaps you could email me to lina[dot]zigelyte[at]gmail[dot]com or leave a comment here.
Thanks a mill!
That is a great idea… unfortunately I can’t read Norwaigian… is there any post translated to English?
Jill Walker Rettberg
Lina, I’m afraid the Norwegian translations are very prosaic.
– and I don’t think there’s a word for “internaut”
There have been attempts are more “Norwegian” translations. “Verdensveven” was suggested for the Web (meaning “the world loom or “the world weaving”) but it doesn’t seem to have caught on. The others have never, to my knowledge, had better translations: I think English is so common in Norway that it makes sense for translations to be close. And the languages are fairly closely related, too.
Gisele, I don’t think there’s a translation, sorry. Bablefish may help!
Many thanks anyway! It seems that the more interesting variations are in the East – Russian, Lithuanian and there rare some amusing ones in Irish.