At last week’s AI STORIES workshop, Gabriele de Seta led a workshop exploring, a social media platform where all the users are AIs. Gathering a group of researchers in a room for a few hours to explore and discuss a specific […]
When I studied literature we mostly read the classics. Great literature, the canon. But that’s not necessarily what most people actually read. What if instead of comparing AI-generated literature to the literary canon, we tried comparing it to super popular and commercial […]
Synthetic media is a current popular term for AI-generated videos, texts and images. I think the first use was only a few years ago in 2018, but I couldn’t find an overview of its use so thought I’d cobble one together here, […]
OpenAI plans to charge $20,000 (USD) a month for an AI agent that can do “PhD level research”. Maybe all the PhDs and postdocs recently fired by DOGE should band together and sell their services as “AI agents” – apparently some people […]
This is my original Norwegian draft of an essay published in the Danish foreign policy magazine Udenrigs today as part of a special issue on AI and foreign policy. I argue that AI is influencing the way we tell stories, and more […]
In 2022 I learned about FAIR data, the movement to make research data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reproducible. One of UiB’s brilliant research librarians, Jenny Ostrup, patiently helped me make the dataset from the Machine Vision project FAIR in 2022 – I […]
Thanks to everyone who came to the triple book talk of three recent books on machine vision by James Dobson, Jussi Parikka and me, and thanks for excellent questions. Several people have emailed to asked if we recorded it, and yes we […]
Finally I can share what I’ve been working on! I absolutely loved writing this book, taking the time to dig deep into histories, ideas and theories that I think really help understand how machine vision technologies like facial recognition and image generation […]
Last night I attended the OpenAI Forum Welcome Reception at OpenAI’s new offices in San Francisco. The Forum is a recently launched initiative from OpenAI that is meant to be “a community designed to unite thoughtful contributors from a diverse array of […]
I’m thrilled to announce another publication from our European Research Council (ERC)-funded research project on Machine Vision: Gabriele de Setaand Anya Shchetvina‘s paper analysing how Chinese AI companies visually present machine vision technologies. They find that the Chinese machine vision imaginary is global, blue and competitive. […]
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