Yesterday I was fiddling with colours, toying with stylesheets and thinking to myself how much easier it is to refurbish a blog than to, say, paint my kitchen. Then I started counting the hours I’ve spent learning MoveableType, adapting templates, rebuilding stylesheets, dabbling with colours. It adds up to at least the 3-4 hours a day for five days it took me to paint the kitchen. At least I don’t have to put up with the smell of drying paint. And I can use the kitchen.

Amazingly the blog refurbishing (still, incidentally, transitional) has coincided with a burst of writing on my thesis. Which I’ve promised myself will be absolutely utterly done by the end of April. Yup.

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2 thoughts on “time

  1. Eirik

    And, of course, once you’ve painted your kitchen, living room or whatever, you don’t have to think about it again for a good long while. (I’m selling and buying an apartment right now, and thought your interior decorating metaphor was very appropriate.)

    Nice layout, though I do miss the “Let’s blog it!” icon. 😉 BTW: the fonts on the page don’t look very nice on Linux machines without Truetype fonts – you might want to tweak the CSS template a bit to accomodate these users as well.

  2. Jill

    Thanks, Eirik – I need to do more cross-browser checking…

    And I know, the let’s blog it icon’s good. Perhaps I can fit it in again…

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