Photorealistic grafittiI’ve been enjoying the streetart and graffiti on the old student centre in the last week or so. The building’s going to be torn down, so it’s been declared fair game for decoration, and every morning when I walk past it new additions have appeared.

The stencil art interests me most. This piece is by Strøk, who says in an interview at that his inspiration and practical skills come from Look how easy it is to use Photoshop to create a stencil from a photo! And then you simply cut it out and spray. A three layer stencil would take more time, but doesn’t look impossibly difficult. Timeconsuming and requiring skill and imagination, definitely, but no longer secret knowledge.

Now when I take photos I’ll be wondering whether they’d be stencilable.

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10 thoughts on “stencilling studentsenteret

  1. hanna

    If you’re interested in stencil graffiti, check out Bansky‘s work. He’s the most famous graffiti artist in the UK, and pretty much all of his (famous) work is done using stencils. He’s also got a pretty good guide to stencilling here.

  2. str¯k

    everyone can cut a stencil. To make it look good is a bit more difficult. good luck!

    talking of bansky, did you know that dolk sells prints via his site? The R2D2 rape, as seen on the studentsenteret wall.
    check out his profile on

  3. Jill

    I’ve been thinking the become-a-stencil-artist thing over and I think for starters I’ll just stick to blowpens with my eight-year-old. It must take a great deal of time and skill and artistic sense to make good stencils.

    Great to know that Dolk’s selling his work! Hm, still light out, perhaps I should wander home and take some more photos of the Student centre stencils…

  4. jill/txt » banksy in new york

    […] [banksy in new york] Hanna told me about Banksy a few weeks ago, when I was all fascinated by the stencil artists in Bergen. Last Saturday I narrowly missed seeing his work in the New York Metropoli […]

  5. str¯k

    banksy sells dolks work, not vice versa.

  6. Jill

    No no, Str¯k, I meant that Dolk was selling his own work. Bit ambiguously written, I guess.

  7. Mark of the Beast

    I saw some awesome stencil art when I was in Bergen last year … one guy in particular was Wowser or something, he had stuff everywhere; there was a Johnny Rotten one and the other one I remember was a businessman doing a Hendrix pose over a burning briefcase, and a dog humping R2D2. Hilarious …

    I’m hoping to get back there this year and see how things have progressed …

  8. Tone

    I have not seen STRÿK here in Bergen, but many DOLK stencils. I find stencils all over the city,
    but only those WOWSER,DOLK and MIR have signatures. I think there are many
    stencile artists here in Bergen.

  9. richard

    hi there, i saw your posts about 2 funny stencils:
    businessman doing a Hendrix pose over a burning briefcase,
    and a dog humping R2D2

    i would love to find prints or something of them. who are the authors?

    can you help me get in touch with them?


  10. Jill Walker Rettberg

    I think Dolk did those – there’s a blog dedicated to Dolk’s stencil’s here. Str¯k left a comment above in this thread with a link to where Dolk sells prints.

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