Ooh! Volume Volume 24/140 of the French journal RÈseaux: Communication, Technologie, SociÈtÈ is all about blogs. It’s naturally called Les Blogs and I’ve ordered a copy at the fairly exorbitant price of Ä39. Hope my French holds up!

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4 thoughts on “special issue on “les blogs”

  1. Francois Lachance

    Reseau makes the abstracts are available in English and in French. And there is the option of purchasing individual articles. And I’m sure your French will hold up nicely.

  2. Jill

    I bought the whole volume, so will be looking forward to receiving it in hte mamil – and yes, I’m sure I’ll be able to figure it out. So when I was ordering it, they kept asking for my “mÈl”, and insisted I wasn’t doing it right until I gave them my email address. Is that kind of a new word for “email”? MÈl. Sort of cool.

  3. Lesley

    MÈl: it’s really just an attempt to spell “mail” ‡ la franÁaise and without the
    dipthong. The recommended French translation of e-mail is courriel which
    nobody really seems to use. It does give the rather nice word pourriel though
    which is a combination of pourri and courriel and means spam.

  4. Jill

    Ah, yes, I’ve found courriel in the dictionary – and I like pourriel. So mÈl is fairly common then?

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