Instead of waiting for the schedule to come up for the MiT5 conference (at MIT, April 27-29), I googled the blogosphere, and found the following participants:

Ha, that was quite good fun. Do you know of any more people and presentations at MiT5?

14 thoughts on “speakers at MiT5: the unofficial blogosphere version

  1. Luca

    we’re giving a paper titled Creativity, Ownership and collaboration in the digital age, I think we should be placed in some session.. but we’re still waiting to knwo the name of the session. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. jean

    Ha! Well done with this Jill.

  3. Kim

    Thanks for finding these! David Silver at USF has a panel posted on his site too.

  4. Tama

    How can I express my feelings at not being at MiT5? Jealous? Sad? Fearful (yes, fearful; with all the energy, creativity and intelligence in one space, the world may change … but will any of you remember to tell Twitter? ๐Ÿ˜‰

    My only consolation: DAC, or, more precisely, PerthDAC … sometimes, it’s nice when the world comes to visit you (well, your city, but you know what I mean)! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. FG

    There is also an upcoming event with several users already attending or watching.

  6. Jill

    Oh, thanks, Kim, I’ve added David Silver’s panel to the list. And yes, I’m quite pleased to see the list ๐Ÿ™‚ Tama – PerthDAC will be awesome ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Chuck

    Thanks for the collection of links, Jill. I’m very much looking forward to MIT5 where I’ll finally get a chance to meet a number of scholars and scholar bloggers I’ve been reading for years.

  8. david silver

    what a great lineup, thanks for the list!

    i, too, look forward to this conference. hopefully all of us will have some time to meet up outside the conference walls.

  9. mike newman

    Hey Jill, thanks for this! Now I’m excited. My paper is called “The Community as Artist: The Show with Ze Frank” and it’s about the way web video exploits the architecture of participation. (also the link to my blog in your post is broken, fyi)

  10. Jill

    Thanks, Mike! I’ve added your paper to the list. I’m excited too, the list of presenters looks great! And this is just the unofficial list, I assume there are people out there who’ll be presenting who didn’t blog their paper.

    Or maybe not, at a conference like that?

  11. […] (Looking for the unoffical blogosphere version of the speaker list for MiT5? Here you go!) I’m off (in a matter of, well, months) to the States for not one but two conferences at the end of April. First up is MiT5 (Media in Transition 5, April 26-29), at MIT, which I think will be exciting although the program’s not posted yet. Luca Rossi from The Truants will be there, I know that, and I’m on a panel about “Appropriation and Collaboration in Digital Writing” with Nick Montfort and Scott Rettberg. […]

  12. […] That means my unofficial blogosphere version of the program only covers about a tenth of what’s going on. Yikes. Filed under:events — Jill @ 14:41 [ ] […]

  13. Geoffrey Long

    Um, it’s Geoffrey, not Jeffrey, but aside from that — thanks for the heads-up! This should be a fairly awesome conference.

  14. Jill

    Oops, sorry, Geoffrey, I fixed that. And yes, it looks great!

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