I’m speaking at a seminar in Oslo on the 18th. It’s about digital and social networks, with speakers on Linux gift culture, about network economy, strong and weak ties, actors and actants in networks and about consumer networks. And me on networked storytelling. I get to stay in Oslo for a couple days, too, on this cool boat hotel, because I’m attending a meeting later that week about a series of digital stories NRK is going to be doing under the curatorship of Per Platou. Should be fun!

The program for the Oslo seminar follows. It’s open and free, as in beer.


?pent multifaglig seminar om nettverksbegrepet
18. april, kl. 10.00 – 17.00, rom 205, plan 2, Forskningsparken


10.00: ?pning
TERJE RASMUSSEN, prosjektleder

10.15: Kodens sakramentale karisma — linuxsamfunnets gavekultur
LARS RISAN, postdoktor, TIK, UiO

11.15: Forbrukernettverk p nettet

12.15: Nettlitteratur: ? fortelle i nettverket
JILL WALKER, f¯rsteamanuensis, Seksjon. For humanistisk informatikk, UiB


14.00: Om Granovetters sterke og svake bÂnd

15.00:Nettverks¯konomi og transaksjonskostnader.
ARNE KROKAN, professor, Inst. for sosiologi, NTNU

16.00: Akt¯rer og aktanter i nettverk

Alle er velkomne!

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12 thoughts on “seminar on networks in oslo april 18

  1. jen

    I stayed on the innvik a few years ago after attending a graduate summer school at Oslo U, it is a great boat. Really yummy breakfast, too. Have a great time enjoying Oslo, it is one of my favourite cities.

  2. Jill

    Really? Excellent! Per told me he usually puts international people up there, and has heard nothign but good things about it. He even mentioned the breakfast as excellent. And having slept on a boat for the first time at ISEA last year I’m looking forward to being rocked to sleep, though maybe it’s rather different when the boat’s in harbour.

    Was the location creepy though? That’s the only thing worrying me, I don’t know the area, and wonder whether a harbour area will be unpleasant to walk to in the evening alone. I’ll get a taxi if it is, but it’s nice to be able to walk, and it looks pretty close to things from the map.

  3. hanna

    Is there a description of the conference in English somewhere?

  4. Jill

    Uh, not really, I don’t think, since it’ll all be in Norwegian. Sorry…

  5. hanna

    Bah! Oh well — just wanted to know more about the Linux stuff. 🙂

  6. Jill

    Here’s Lars Risan’s site. He’s the one speaking on Linux, which will be interesting. Actually this paper of his might be interesting: Hackers produce more than software, they produce hackers (Previously titled “The Identity Games of Hacker Culture”). Here’s the abstract:

    This paper discusses the social cohesion of Open Source projects. In Open Source programming most of the programmers who contribute to a project are very loyal to it, even if the Open Source licenses basically states that anybody can do what they want with the software, as long as they do not deny others the same right. The paper explores how loyalties to projects are created in social processes that also produce the identities of the programmers. In dialogue with Eric Raymondís seminal writing on Open Source, the paper partly draws on evolutionary psychology. Hence, two models are developed; symmetrical and complementary identity games.

    I’ve only skimmed it in the most perfunctorary manner, I must admit, but it’s certainly an interesting topic.

    I met Lars briefly when he was a PhD student, writing about the technology of cow breeding. I hadn’t realised he was writign about this now – interesting!

  7. jen

    The location of the innvik wasn’t creepy. It is a little isolated and devoid of people so I was alert when walking around there but I didn’t find it creepy. I loved it, but I’d just spent a week in a dorm room at a youth hostel so my own little cabin with my own little bathroom was heavenly. The reggae band that played the first night was also fun!

    Just looking at your site jill I am reawakening my dream of learning Norwegian and moving to Oslo! My partner and I loved it so much, it is the only place on earth we’ve found so far that we would leave Canada for. Any city whose subway line ends at a ski area rates full marks in my opinion!

  8. jen

    Oh, and the boat is close to everything, only a few minutes walk to the central train station and all the transit that is there.

  9. Jill

    Thanks Jen, that’s great to know about the location. And yes, Norway has a lot of good points 🙂

  10. jill/txt » first day of summer

    […] re when I’m thinking and writing than when I’m organising and administrating. Tomorrow I’m going to Oslo and I don’t know whether there’ll be much blogging at all. I wonder what […]

  11. […] l charisma of the code”] [Post is in progress]Lars Risan is the first speaker at the network seminar I’m at in Oslo. Don’t you love the idea of code as sacrament? Lars is an anthropologis […]

  12. […] jill/txt 19/4/2005 [random notes from seminar] One great thing about living on a boat hotel is that there’s no wireless and so you can actually finish answering all your email becau […]

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