My Books

summer hiatus, i think

No posting lately. Hardly even checked my pet blog. Way too many things to do…but soon I’m on holidays, and then there are a couple of weeks of writing and then more holiday. It’s conceivable I’ll blog in there somewhere – or […]

just in case

Is it normal to check one’s own blog several times a day just in case it’s updated – even though one knows one hasn’t done a thing? I could pretend it was to see if there were any comments. But I already […]

reading lists

While looking for a reading list for a student who might be doing some work on social software I came across this interesting-looking site, H2O Playlists: An H20 playlist is a shared list of readings and other content about a topic of […]


Ragnhild reminded me that the Norwegian Medieforskningskonferanse (media researcher conference) is in Bergen this year, and that the deadline for sending in abstracts is next week – June 15. The conference sounds rather useful in that it’s set up as a bunch […]

between the lines

I love reading between the lines of blogs – though sometimes I’m completely wrong about things! So it was fun to see an interpreted and confirmed version of what went on behind the scenes of Jason Kottke’s and Meg Hourihan’s blogs in […]

CFP for PerthDAC is out

The next iteration of the Digital Arts and Culture conference series is in Perth!! My family’s from Perth – it’s got to be one of the most beautiful and friendly cities on Earth, and of course I can say that with absolute […]

top hit

Oy. Now *I’m* top hit on google for “macbook noise”. See, I blogged having googled that when I first got my (somewhat noisy) macbook and finding a blogpost about how many people had got to that blog through searching for “macbook noise”. […]

wikipedia talk in bergen

Hey, Jimmy Wales, founder of the Wikipedia, is in Bergen Monday May 29th. He’s giving a talk at the University of Bergen (Auditorium 1, Realfagbygget) at 18:00-20:00. There’s a wikimeetup afterwards, too.

gender, images and global contexts

My colleague Hilde Corneliussen is involved in organising the Gender, Images and Global Contexts conference to be held in Helsinki next March – the CFP’s out, so now’s the time to start working if you’d like to present something there!