My Books


[Update: You might also be interested in my posts on lonelygirl15 – commodification of a social space? (Sept 13) and why they get upset about fictions (Sept 12)] Anders asked, as an aside, what I thought LonelyGirl15 was about. Lonelygirl15? Oh no, […]

fifth-grade maths books now teach spreadsheets

I was leafing through my fifth-grader’s new maths book and was impressed to see that in a few months time she’ll be learning to use a spreadsheet! I was in my late twenties before I realised how easy basic Excel is and […]

my new business card

Business cards are sort of old hat, really, aren’t they? But when I received a copy of Uses of Blogs last week, I found Axel’s business card stuck instead it and I rather liked that. So I thought it might be time […]


Hilde and I just hired an assistant to help with the practical organisation of the World of Warcraft research workshop we’re hosting in November. Hooray! Now we have to set the program and then next week, travel and so on can be […]

time spent blogging

People often ask how much time I spend on blogging. I’ve been using SlimTimer for the last couple of weeks, so for the first time I actually know. This week I’ve spent 3.9 hours reading blogs and 0.9 hours writing and editing […]

a narrator who tells nothing

Blogs are similar to epistolary narratives in that they are episodic and serial, told in a series of almost-real-time fragments (or in the case of fiction, fragments presented as though they were written in real time) rather than as a whole told […]

enlisting AI in my writing

Reading Gro’s comment yesterday about simply dedicating three-four hours a day to one’s main project, I decided to work at home today and focus on writing. But, um, of course I needed to start with a little blog reading to get me […]

never say yes or no straight away

Home again from UmeÂ, and what interesting conversations we had, perhaps especially the informal ones, in between and round about. Today I have to try to rein in some projects and figure out what to do with some potential new ones. I […]


Huh. Hand hurts. So much for live blogging. Will take a break.