My Books

very quick notes on the latest state of the blogosphere

Every quarter, the people at the blog tracking site Technorati share their statistics about blogs. The latest State of the Blogosphere came out November 6, and a quick skim leaves me with the following notes: The number of new blogs created and […]

i made a human

Last night I made myself a human. There are dozens of low-level humans and elves and orcs on my account, actually, because my ten-year-old adores making new characters, but this time I made one for myself, thinking I’d try to make someone […]

they’ll find your assets

Years ago Shelley Powers wrote about getting a phone call from the IRS asking questions about her taxes based on what they’d read on her blog. Now, as noted by Digme, the Norwegian tax authorities are implementing a system that will automatically […]

global World of Warcraft demographics

I’ve been trying to figure out how many people play WoW in different countries, and today I got an email from davesgonechina, who was asking the same thing. Generally, people say there are nearly seven million WoW players now. [Add ref] However, […]

post. doc. in Sweden in digital humanities?

I visited HUMlab in August, and really enjoyed my stay. Patrik Svensson, their director, just sent word of these post doc stipends they’re advertising now in the digital humanities – might be interesting to some of you? They’re open to anyone with […]

what a great workshop that was

This weekend’s workshop was amazing – the most productive and interesting academic event I’ve been to in a long time. Having a small group of researchers who are all writing from different perspectives on the same game, who know each other a […]

world of warcraft research workshop

Our World of Warcraft anthology workshop starts in an hour!! I’ve been reading all the papers and it’s just such fun seeing them all. I keep going oh! I recognise that, but I never thought about it that way before! We’ll be […]


Oh no. I was feeling unconvinced about my book chapter (where I was trying to compare World of Warcraft to Web 2.0, oh dear, oh dear) and then a few paragraphs sort of came out that I found a lot more interesting […]

trashing as rhetorical strategy

I was looking for something else, of course, but stumbled upon an article by Mieke Bal about the common academic rhetorical strategy of trashing an argument or a whole school of thought (sorry, Jstor subscription required): Trashing is a dismissal based on […]